MCTF15 tons of complete sets of rice milling equipment

This series is the selection of excellent cylinder initial cleaning sieve, vibration cleaning sieve, Stoner, rubber roll husker, gravity grain sieve, sand, iron roller spraying Rice Husker, rice grading sieve, a rice polishing machine, as well as efficient bucket type lifting machine and electrical control cabinet and other combinations of milling equipment. From the rice cleaning, husking and rough separation, until the rice milling finishing process is automatic, continuous, has the following characteristics:A, the main operating machine for individual motor drive, and control to the electrical control cabinet.B, hoist with no end of struggle, high efficiency, low breakage.C, finishing using electrostatic spray process, the appearance is smooth and beautiful, not easy to fade.D, material pipeline adopts glass chute, beautiful and durable.E, dust removal by high performance reversed blowing bag dust collector, no dust leakage, meet the requirements of environmental protection.F, the host device for the present domestic brandname.